See the person

There is nothing in a caterpillar that tells you it’s going to be a butterfly. ~ Buckminster Fuller

Just as by looking at a caterpillar you cannot see the beautiful butterfly it will turn into, so you cannot always see the true potential in another person. We form an opinion of someone within the first few seconds of seeing or meeting them, regardless of whether we even speak to them.

Let’s try and see the beautiful butterfly in everyone, regardless of how unkind or unloveable the person may currently seem. After all you’d want others to see the beautiful butterfly in you rather than focus on your past mistakes, wouldn’t you?


      1. Then why are some other people so nasty to me? Jesus is perfect. I am not perfect and neither are you and don’t you forget it.


      2. People are nasty to others because, we as humans are not perfect. For those who believe in Christ it’s our responsibility to see past the things that others say and do to us which hurt us. There is good in everyone if we look hard enough.
        Your comments to me were quite harsh and uncalled for, particularly as I was simply trying to remind you there is beauty in everyone – “I am not perfect and neither are you and don’t you forget it” – I have never professed to be perfect, and I never will! In fact if you read a number of my blog posts you’ll find I mention quite often that I’m constantly seeking perfection, and falling well short of it.


  1. if other people are not prepared to look for good in me then I am not prepared to look for the good in them and if they do not like it then they can take a long walk off a short pier.


    1. I do not agree with you on this one I’m afraid, and am sorry you feel that way. I believe we should always treat others the way we would want to be treated ourselves. I know that can be very hard at times. I believe we should always try and see the good in others even if they don’t look for the good in us. Being kind to others costs nothing.


      1. Yes I agree that being kind to others costs nothing but this is not as easy as you seem to think it is when other people are putting pressure on me.


      2. I never said it was easy! In fact I said “I know that can be very hard at times”.
        Just because others make life difficult for us, it should not mean we’re not prepared, or willing, to try and see the best in others and treat them as we’d want them to treat us.


      3. Most of the time I do treat other people as I would want them to treat me but I am not perfect. Jesus Christ is perfect. We are imperfect.


      4. Most of the time I do look for good in others. The only time that I do not look for good in others is when I feel under pressure from people who are going out of the way to give me reason to disgrace myself in public. What sad people they are.


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